April Deadline Fix in the Works – Your Support Requested

Rep. Brian DelGrosso (R-Loveland) and Sen. Cheri Jahn (D-Wheat Ridge) are sponsoring House Bill 11-1260, “concerning the due date for tax installment payments when the due date falls on a legal federal holiday.” The bill specifies that if the due date of any tax installment payment falls on a legal federal holiday, the due date … Continue reading

Employee Engagement… Is it Possible?

By Sandra Wiley While some people may call it the newest buzz word in the world of Human Capital, employee engagement is a real opportunity and reality in your firm today. It is helpful to have a common definition of what is meant by “engagement”. In reference to how we will be discussing engagement of … Continue reading

Accountability Starts With a Plan

By Gary Boomer Boomer Consulting, Inc. http://www.boomer.com/ The economy has brought attention to accountability and performance management in the majority of firms and accountability starts at the top. Are your partners holding themselves accountable? Do they allow themselves to be managed or are they continuing to operate as they always have? These are important questions … Continue reading